List of loaded documents (1-36 / 75)
1. स्थानीय अनुकूलन कार्ययोजना खाका, २०७६ (Local Adaptation Action Plan Blueprint, 2019)
2. Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan, LDCRP 2021 (स्थानीय विपद् तथा जलवायु उत्थानशील योजना, २०७८)
3. Socio-Economic Recovery Model Framework for Local Level Government (गाउँपालिका तथा नगरपालिकाहरूका लागि विपद्पश्चात्को सामाजिक तथा आर्थिक पुनर्लाभ योजना तर्जुमा ढाँचा)
4. Standard Operating Procedure for Local Level Post Disaster Socio-Economic Plan Formulation, 2022
5. Socio-Economic Recovery Framework, MoFAGA
6. Guideline on Mainstreaming Community Resilience and Recovery in Local Plan, 2023 (स्थानीय योजनामा सामदुाययक उत्थानशीलता तथा पनुलााभ मूलप्रवाहीकरण ददग्दशना, २०८०)
7. Guideline on Mainstreaming Community Resilience and Recovery in Local Plan, 2023
8. Neelkantha Municipality Disaster Management Act, 2019
9. Neelkantha Municipality Emergency Operation Centre Operation Guideline, 2076
10. Neelkantha Municipality Good Governance Act, 2075
11. Neelkantha Municipality Disaster Management Fund Operation Guideline, 2019 (विपद व्यवस्थापन कोष सञ्चालन कार्यविधि, २०७६)
12. Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Plan of Action, Neelkantha Municipality 2022-2030
13. Godawari Municipality Volunteer Bureau Formation and Operation Guideline, 2021
14. Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Action Plan Godawari Municipality, 2021-2031
15. Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for Godawari Municipality, 2022
16. Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan - Godawari Municipality, 2022
17. Risk Sensitive Land use, Physical Infrastructure and Building Constrction Guideline - Godawari Municipality, 2079
18. Risk Sensitive Land Use Plan, Godawari Municipality, 2079
19. Disaster Risk Reduction Management Planning & Intervention - Godawari Municipality, 2022
20. Disaster Risk Reduction Volunteer Bureau Formation and Operation Guideline, Bhimeshwor Municipality, 2078
21. Bhimeshwor Municipality Risk Transfer Guideline, 2078
22. Emergency Preparedness and Response plan Simulation Guideline, 2078 - Bhimeshwor Municipality
23. Bhimeshwor Municipality Emergency Operation Center (MEOC) Operating Procedure, 2078
24. Bhimeshwor Municipality Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
25. Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Action Plan 2020-2030, Bhimeshwor Municipality
26. Bhimeshwor Municipality Disaster Risk Reduction Mainstreaming Guideline, 2077
27. Disaster Management Fund Mobilization Guideline for Bhimeshwor Municipality, 2078
28. Relief Standards for Bhimeshwor Municipality, 2078
29. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act - Bhimeshwor Municipality, 2077
30. Guideline for Disaster Risk Reduction Local Action Forum, Godawari Municipality, 2077
31. Godawari Municipality Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2075
32. Accommodation Operation Guideline for Flood Preparedness, Godawari Municipality, 2020
33. Guideline for Emergency Operation Center of Godawari Municipality (GMEOC)
34. Gender Based Violence Mitigation Fund Operation Guideline for Godawari Municipality, 2077
35. Godawari Municipality Disaster Management Fund Operation Guideline, 2075
36. Municipal Profile of Godawari Municipality, 2076