List of loaded documents (1-12 / 17)
1. Socio-Economic Recovery Framework, MoFAGA
2. Guideline on Mainstreaming Community Resilience and Recovery in Local Plan, 2023
3. Disability Inclusive Get Ready Guidebook
4. Technical Inspection Guidelines for Housing Reconstruction
5. Procedures for the Relocation and Rehabilitation of Hazard-Prone Settlements, 2017
6. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074 and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Rules, 2076 (2019)
7. National Action Plan on Disaster Management in Nepal,1996
8. Public Procurement Act 2007
9. National Strategic Action Plan for Search and Rescue 2013
10. Rumors and Facts on COVID - 19, March, 2020
11. Rumors and Facts on COVID-19, 3rd Issue
12. Climate Change Policy, 2019 (जलवायु परिवर्तन नियमावली, २०७६)