List of loaded documents (101-396 / 1761)
101. Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) Report, Rukum West, Aathbiskot (प्रारम्भिक द्रुत लेखाजोखा प्रतिवेदन, रुकुम, आठविसकोट)
102. Jajarkot Earthquake: Situation Analysis Report, 03
103. Household Disaster Preparedness Project (HDPP) Progress Factsheet
104. Household Disaster Preparedness Project (HDPP) Factsheet
105. Resilience and DRR Intervention
106. Let’s Get Prepared for Disaster; Landslide (विपद्को लागि तयार रहौँ; पहिरो)
107. Multi-sectoral Impact of the COVID 19 Second Wave in Nepal 2021
108. Our Stories: Collection of Stories from Nepal Disaster Reduction Project Implementation Area
109. Factsheet: This Means the World
110. Disaster Risk Management Needs Assessment in four Municipalities of Kailali district, Sudurpashchim Province, Final Report
111. Rapti Sonari Rural Municipality’s Crisis, Vulnerability, and Capacity Analysis (राप्ती सोनारी गाउंपालिकाको प्रकोप, सङ्कटासन्नता तथा क्षमता विश्लेषण)
112. Jajarkot Earthquake: Situation Analysis Report, 02
113. Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan, LDCRP 2021 (स्थानीय विपद् तथा जलवायु उत्थानशील योजना, २०७८)
114. Jajarkot Earthquake: Situation Analysis Report, 01
115. Humanitarian Situation Update of Jajarkot Earthquake
116. Jajarkot Earthquake Presentation by DPNet
117. Assessment Report: “Development of Landscape Approach for Climate and Disaster Vulnerability in Doda Watershed”
118. Situation Report of Bajhang Earthquake - Weekly Update
119. Financing Disaster Risk Reduction in Humanitarian and Crisis Settings
120. Policy Brief: Urban Disaster Resilience
121. Policy Brief: Towards Risk-Informed Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
122. Policy Brief: Gender Responsive Disaster Risk Reduction
123. Policy Brief: Financing Prevention and De-Risking Investment
124. Lightning Threats in Nepal: Occurrence and Human Impacts
125. Key Policy Recommendations from Regional Environmental Policy Dialogue on 'Securing Land Rights of Women and Indigenous People in the Face of Climate Change in South Asia'
126. UNDRR Strategic Framework 2022-2025
127. Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023
128. Climate Change, Land Management, and Vulnerable Communities (जलवायु परिवर्तन, भूमि प्रशासन र जोखिमयुक्त समुदाय)
129. Regreening Communities Project Model
130. Invisible and Forgotten: Displaced Children Hungrier and at More Risk than Ever
131. Global Infrastructure Resilience: Capturing the Resilience Dividend
132. BIPAD for Decision-making in Federal Nepal
133. Basic Business Preparation and Operation Guideline for COVID-19 (कोभिड-१९ का लागि आधारभूत व्यावसायिक पूर्वतयारी एवं संचालन योजना)
134. Information on Disaster Preparedness, Protection, and Prevention Measures (विपद्को पूर्वतयारी, सुरक्षा तथा रोकथामका उपायहरु सम्बन्धी जानकारी)
135. Emergency Preparedness & Response Planning: An Introductory Guideline for Business in Nepal
136. Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities (सहरहरूका लागि विपद् उत्थानशीलता स्कोरकार्ड)