
Second National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (NCDRR)

The two days long ‘Second National Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (NCDRR)’ concluded successfully in Kathmandu, Nepal from the 29th to the 30th of June 2023. The conference was organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) with technical and financial support from Disaster Preparedness Network (DPNet) Nepal and USAID Tayar Nepal. In regard to the midterm review phase of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) this year, 2023, in the global context, this conference was organized to discuss the four priority areas of SFDRR. It was attended by a total of 319 participants belonging from different backgrounds such as the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA) and the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA), private sector organizations, development partners, civil society organizations, I/NGOs, academia, and the media graced the event with their valuable presence, and ideas sharing.

Agreement between Doda Watershed Local Governments Handed to Chief Minister

Dhangadhi, June 9, 2023 – Ten local governments of the Doda Watershed in Sudur Paschim Province have signed an agreement to collaboratively work towards mitigating disaster risks in the Doda Watershed area. This region encompasses the Chure and Terai parts of the province. The understanding involves local bodies from Kailali, Kanchanpur, Doti, and Dadeldhura. These local bodies have shown their commitment to mitigate disaster risks and carry out associated activities, considering climate change, sustainable development, and resilience. The signatories of the agreement include mayors from Chure and Godawari Municipalities in Kailali, Laljhadi, Belauri, Purnavas, Krishnapur, and Shuklaphanta municipalities in Kanchanpur, Jorayal rural municipality in Doti, and Alital rural municipality and Parashuram municipality in Dadeldhura.

In the agreement, the signatories have agreed to identify key stakeholders in the Doda Watershed area, assess natural resources and socio-economic data, and develop strategies for climate and disaster resilience. The agreement also includes providing various training programs for affected communities, establishing a technology-friendly multi-hazard early warning system, and managing disaster risk reduction. DPNet, Mercy Corps, and NEEDS Nepal have expressed their commitment to support the local governments in building resilience in the Doda Watershed.

After the signing of the agreement, discussions were held with the Finance Minister of the Far Western Province, Mr. Naresh Kumar Shahi, to prioritize disaster preparedness and risk reduction during the planning and budget allocation processes. Minister Shahi ensured that he will do the needful to allocate budget for the watershed and such collaborative effort. Further discussions were also conducted in the presence of the Minister for Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Mr. Basanta Pratap Singh and Chief Minister, Mr. Kamal Bahadur Shah regarding the role of the provincial government in disaster preparedness and risk reduction, including the condition of disasters in Far Western and Nepal as a whole. Dr. Raju Thapa, DPNet Vice Chair, emphasized the NPDRR as a vital platform unifying all disaster risk reduction stakeholders. He asserted the necessity of such a platform at the provincial level, to foster improved coordination and effective disaster management. Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, the Chair of DPNet, underscored the importance of implementing an NPDRR-like structure in the province. He expressed his dedication towards nurturing a resilient Sudur Paschim Province through cooperative and strategic disaster management efforts. Dr. Ganga Lal Tuladhar, former Education Minister, requested special budget allocations and programs for disaster risk reduction. On this occasion, he also handed over the signed agreement for the Doda Watershed and the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Guidelines to the Chief Minister.

Minister Prithivi Bahadur Singh supported the idea of a Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction platform to unify stakeholders for disaster management. He committed to investigating its establishment in Sudur Paschim Province, stressing the importance of proactive preparedness and planning over post-disaster relief in protecting the vulnerable Doda Watershed. Minister Singh said that concept of Provincial Platform for DRR could be the good idea to bring together all for a common interest of diaster management. He assured that his ministry will see the possibility to establish such platform in the Sudur Paschim Province. Minister Singh demonstrated a deep understanding of the vulnerability of the Doda Watershed. He urged the focus to be on preparedness as a pre-emptive measure, rather than retroactively supporting relief efforts after disasters have occurred. His words underscored the significance of foresight and planning in mitigating the devastating effects of natural calamities.

The Chief Minister, Kamal Bahadur Shah, in his role as a pivotal decision-maker for the Sudur Paschim Province, illustrated a compelling interest in the proposed disaster risk reduction platform. His recognition of the platform's potential to unify efforts and strengthen disaster management at a provincial level was evident. Looking ahead, he made a firm commitment to collaborative action, promising to work in conjunction with significant stakeholders including DPNet, Mercy Corps, and NEEDS Nepal, among others, in their pursuit of disaster risk reduction. His readiness to lend his support to these development partners reflects his proactive stance towards the cause, underscoring his commitment to secure a resilient future for the province. This promise marks a significant milestone in strengthening alliances and reinforcing the collective endeavor to mitigate the devastating impacts of natural calamities.

Discussion Program on Establishing Media Beats Dedicated to DRR and Climate Change

KATHMANDU, June 16, 2023 – A discussion program was convened by DPNet, with the coordination of the former Secretary of the Government of Nepal and DPNet Advisor Mr. Kedar Neupane, focusing on the establishment of media beats dedicated to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). The event was attended by prominent media personnel, including the former Chairperson of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), Mr. Bishnu Nisthuri.

Discussion Program on Role of Private Sector in DRR

DPNet Nepal, in collaboration with USAID Tayar Nepal, conducted a Policy Dialogue focusing on Private Investment in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) for Resilience today on 12th June, 2023. The event aimed to catalyze collaboration, coordination, and partnerships between private sectors and DRR organizations for constructing resilient communities. The program witnessed representatives from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA), United Nation (UN), Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), National Business Initiative (NBI) along with the individuals from other government, non-government and private sector organizations.

DPRP Formulation Meeting Organized in Lalitpur District

Lalitpur, On 7 June, 2023 The District Administrative Office in Lalitpur organized a workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) formulation with the support of DPNet and NSET. The workshop aimed to enhance preplanning of the DPRP and establish a Thematic Group for Lalitpur District. Various stakeholders, including government agencies, security forces, development partners, and private sector entities, participated in the workshop. The presentations highlighted the district's vulnerability to disasters and proposed measures for disaster preparedness, including raising awareness and promoting coordination. Thematic groups were formed, and participants discussed challenges and suggestions for effective planning. The workshop emphasized integrating feedback, coordination between local governments for comprehensive disaster preparedness and response.

Guest Lecture on Grand Bargain, Localization, and Its Significance in the Humanitarian Field

On 30 May, 2023, DPNet, in collaboration with DiMaNN, NEAR, and Samarpan Academy Institute of Crisis Management Studies (ICMS), organized a guest lecture session on the significance of the Grand Bargain, Localization and its significance in the humanitarian field. The event featured Ms. Sahida Arif, a highly experienced humanitarian and resilience expert, and Regional Representative at NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response).