
An Integrated Approach to Mental Health and Disaster Preparedness: A Cluster Comparison with Earthquake-Affected Communities in Nepal


The research article an integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness: a cluster comparison with earthquake affected communities in Nepal was written by Courtney Welton-Mitchell, Leah Emily James, Shree Niwas Khanal and Alexander Scott James Following the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal in April 2015, a study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a hybrid mental health and disaster preparedness intervention. The intervention, implemented in two earthquake-affected communities, aimed to enhance preparedness, mental health, and community cohesion. The results showed that participants who engaged in the intervention demonstrated increased disaster preparedness, decreased symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and improved social cohesion. The intervention's impact on depression was partially mediated by preparedness, while social cohesion partially mediated the effect on preparedness and mental health outcomes. The findings suggest that this cost-effective intervention can be scaled up and applied to other earthquake-prone communities to enhance resilience and preparedness.


Research Paper


BMC Psychiatry

Published Year: