This is a presentation slide prepared by Ms. Beda Nidhi Khanal, Under Secretary, Disaster and Conflict Management Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal on the participation of women in DRRM policies in Nepal. It incorporates the Global commitments, the constitution, Laws, Policy, and Plan of action for increasing womens participation and equity in DRRM policies in Nepal.
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement share the common goal of achieving gender equality and parity by 2030, while also integrating coherent approaches to sustainable development, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction. The Sendai Framework specifically underscores the critical role of women in effectively managing disaster risk. It emphasizes the importance of women's participation in designing, resourcing, and implementing gender-sensitive disaster risk reduction policies, plans, and programs. Additionally, the framework calls for capacity building measures to empower women in preparedness and post-disaster situations, including the development of alternate livelihood means.
Mr. Beda Nidhi Khanal