
Flood Contingency Plan-2074 Darchula


The "Flood Contingency Plan 2017" for Darchula provides a comprehensive framework for flood preparedness and response in the district. It begins with an overview of Darchula, setting the context for the region's unique vulnerabilities and needs. The plan outlines clear objectives for minimizing flood impacts and includes a detailed implementation strategy to ensure effective coordination among stakeholders. A crucial part of the plan is the inclusion of a district map, which identifies flood-prone areas, critical infrastructure, and designated safe zones for evacuation. The plan also emphasizes the importance of recognizing early signs of disaster and includes reference guidelines for operational procedures during a flood emergency. The plan also establishes disaster response structures and operations, assigns specific responsibilities, and sets preparatory priorities and schedules to maintain readiness and ensure a swift and coordinated response to flood events.


Legal Document


Action Plan

Published Year: