
(DPRP 2020) जिल्ला बिपद् पूर्वतयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य योजना डडेल्धुरा २०७८, असार ३० गते


The District Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) 2022 for Dadeldhura provides a structured approach to disaster management, detailing the background, objectives, and necessity of such planning. It emphasizes the characteristics of disaster preparedness and response, outlines the planning process and implementation strategies, and covers the analysis of historical data, disaster identification, vulnerability, capacity, and overall risk assessment of the district. The plan includes specific emergency preparedness and response strategies, identifies responsible bodies, and outlines monitoring, evaluation, and learning mechanisms. It also focuses on institutional coordination, cooperation, and the management of data, incident reporting, and information dissemination.


Legal Document


Action Plan

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