
भूकम्पबाट प्रभावित घरपरिवारलाई अस्थायी आवास निर्माण अनुदान कार्यविधि , २०८० ( Temporary Housing Construction Subsidy Procedures for Earthquake Affected Households, 2080)


This document outlines the Temporary Housing Construction Subsidy Procedures for Earthquake Affected Households, 2080. It describes the executive's responsibility, governed by Sections 6 and 48 of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074, to manage grants for the immediate construction of temporary housing for households affected by the earthquake. This applies to households whose private residences have been fully or partially damaged by the earthquake. The committee has established the procedure for this purpose. The procedures encompass beneficiary identification, subsidy allocation, distribution process, site selection, temporary housing structure, usage guidelines, technical assistance, involvement of local and provincial governments, and volunteer operations.


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