
Jan-Feb 2024 eBulletin


This report highlights key initiatives and activities undertaken by DPNet Nepal from January to February 2024, focusing on disaster preparedness, earthquake recovery efforts, and global engagement towards DRR. On January 2, 2024, DPNet Nepal, in coordination with NDRRMA and other stakeholders, organized a program to standardize the Relief Data Tracker Form. This initiative aimed to unify the diverse forms used by various entities, simplifying documentation processes for government and non-government agencies. Stakeholders provided feedback to refine the form, which DPNet will integrate and submit for further review, ensuring its broad acceptance and incorporation into the MDSA system.

The 26th Earthquake Safety Day (ESD), organized under the theme "Let’s promote local materials and technologies for earthquake-resilient structures," took place on January 16, featuring national and provincial symposiums. This event aimed to strengthen the earthquake resilience of Nepali communities, with various stakeholders, including government ministries, the NDRRMA, and DPNet Nepal, participating. Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal highlighted the government's commitment to disaster preparedness and resilience, emphasizing the importance of utilizing local materials for construction and the need for national and international collaboration in disaster management.

In February, DPNet conducted a field visit to assess the ongoing recovery challenges in earthquake-affected areas, revealing issues such as lack of uniformity in relief distribution and inadequacies of temporary shelters. Despite these challenges, the visit highlighted innovative solutions, such as cost-effective and culturally relevant model shelters, and underscored the critical need for enhanced healthcare support and infrastructure. The participation of DPNet in the World Social Forum rally on February 15 exhibited its commitment to global solidarity against various crises, including environmental issues and natural disasters. The forum served as a platform for advocating for a better world through justice, peace, and equality.

A virtual event on February 19, supported by UN FAO, shared insights from the Jajarkot earthquake recovery efforts. The discussion emphasized the importance of early warning systems, the need for comprehensive disaster preparedness, and the potential of sustainable recovery solutions. Recommendations for future disaster preparedness and response highlighted the necessity of technical training, policy clarification, and the importance of community involvement in reconstruction efforts. Finally, a preparatory meeting for the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2024 was held on February 28. The meeting focused on outlining Nepal's position and contributions towards DRR, emphasizing the need for sustainable and predictable investments, the role of technology, and multi-stakeholder coordination. The discussions aimed to shape future actions and reinforce Nepal's commitment to DRR on a global stage.


DPNet Bulletin

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