
Jajarkot Earthquake : Quad-Day Situation Report (27-30 Nov)


This report exclusively highlights on the current situation in all municipalities of Jajarkot and Rukum West. The local government leaders mayors and chairpersons, along with other officials, have emphasized the importance of providing support in the form of tents, materials for winter protection, demolishing risky houses, and constructing temporary shelters. This report also highlights the Jajarkot earthquake devastation, with 22 deaths reported due to harsh winter conditions. The most affected are those living in tarpaulin shelters, including 12,404 children, 1,883 pregnant women, and 1,076 postpartum mothers. Health centers are overwhelmed with patients suffering from cold-related illnesses. In response, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha announced that earthquake-affected families in Jajarkot and Rukum West will receive NRS 50,000 in two installments for building temporary shelters immediately. The first installment is available in cash, while the second requires some progress in shelter construction and potentially opening a bank account.
The government is taking several measures to aid the earthquake recovery efforts. Security forces, including the Nepal Army, Armed Police Force, and Nepal Police, will be mobilized for constructing temporary shelters. Additionally, the Ministry of Urban Development is dispatching 14 engineers to assist in building temporary, earthquake-resistant structures. Over NPR 189 million has been raised for reconstruction efforts. There are significant ground fissures (crack) and unstable slopes in the many places, necessitating immediate landslide mitigation measures.
Data management in relief efforts has been challenging as some humanitarian agencies bypass the  one door system, causing delays in data acquisition and management. As a result, there is a lack of precise data on relief support. 


Report, DPNet Publication


DPNet Nepal

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