
Jajarkot Earthquake : Quad-Day Situation Report (19-22 Nov)


This report highlights the urgent need for support in the aftermath of earthquake and appeals to government and humanitarian partners for immediate assistance, emphasizing the need for warm clothing and winterization materials to prevent further loss of life due to extreme cold conditions. The report identifies the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children, lactating mothers, and those with chronic illnesses, who are at significant risk. The Government data which includes comprehensive lists of extremely poor, mid-poor, and general poor populations in earthquake affected districts need to be utilized to reach vulnerable groups. The report request humanitarian partners to use this data to strategically direct support towards these poor households. Significant funds have been released for temporary shelter construction, and the report outlines the distribution of these funds across affected districts. It also discusses the challenges faced in constructing temporary housing and the efforts of various agencies in providing support. An engineering report highlights seismic dangers in Jajarkot and Rukum West, recommending the government to initiate a campaign to retrofit houses in these areas. The report provides statistics on damage to houses, schools, health institutions, roads, and bridges in the affected areas. Finally, comprehensive relief support by IFRC/NRCS and the involvement of various humanitarian agencies in the relief efforts are also highlighted in the report.


Report, DPNet Publication


DPNet Nepal

Published Year: