
NDRRMA’s Comprehensive and Inclusive Approach for New Challenges Posed by Disasters (विपद्का नवीन चुनौतिमा प्राधिकरणको सोच र सर्वपक्षीय सहकार्य)


A holistic and all-encompassing strategy is necessary to address the novel challenges presented by disasters effectively. This presentation covers the roles of NDRRMA and its working areas as an inclusive approach to tackle the challenges posed by disasters.

The comprehensive disaster risk management plan in Nepal encompasses several priority areas. Goal 1 focuses on identifying multi-hazard disaster and climate change risks at the community and municipal levels. Goal 2 emphasizes strengthening disaster risk governance at federal, provincial, and local levels, including delineating roles and responsibilities. Goal 3 aims at promoting risk-informed investments for resilience in both private and public sectors. Goal 4 focuses on enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response, involving assessments, volunteer mobilization, and regional collaboration. Goal 5 aims to "Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction, addressing housing, settlements, infrastructure, and socio-economic recovery. Goal 6 emphasizes research, training, and capacity building. Goal 7 outlines the establishment of a multi-hazard early warning system. Lastly, Goal 8 involves various financial mechanisms and principles for effective disaster risk management.




Dr. Dijan Bhattarai

Published Year: