
Official Statement Finalization Meeting

  May 02, 2022

The Nepal's GPDRR Official Statement Finalization meeting was organized in Hotel Marriott on 30th April, 2022. The program was coordinated by DPNet as a secretariat of NPDRR, financially supported by Mercy Corps and technically supported by AINTGDMCC. The program was chaired by Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Chief of NDRRMA and the Special Guest of the program was Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala, Chief of Disaster and Conflict Management Division MoHA. The moderation of meeting was done by Dr. Raju Thapa, Acting Chair of DPNet and Member of GPDRR Preparatory Task Group. The participants were from MoHA, NDRRMA, DPNet, AINTGDMCC and nine thematic group representatives. The major theme of the program was about finalizing the official statement for GPDRR-2022.
The zero draft prepared by GPDRR preparatory task group in support with Mr. Gehendra Gurung was presented by Dr. Raju Thapa on the program and the conclusion of the draft official statement was done in a bunch conversation model. The grammatical errors were incorporated and different agendas were added such as adopting building back principles, strengthening these principles for effective risk management, inclusive participation of vulnerable group adopting gender equality and social inclusion approach, mobilizing basket fund, about disaster financing and knowledge. Participants also raised some some of the important aspects such as build back better, directive principle of the constitution on DRRM, community level DRRM structure, technology transfer, preparedness activities to build resilient school (retrofitting) that saved many lives, improvement of early warning systems and technology helps to reduce loss of lives and property, governance priority (global assessment report), strengthening networking, collaboration, cross-learning and technology transfer and so on to be added in the official statement.
Meeting also discussed about the Nepal's GPDRR Position Paper and decided to assigned the task to prepare its zero to Mr. Gehendra Gurung. Meeting further requested AINTGDMCC to support position paper preparatory work both financially and technically.
In the concluding session Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala, Joint Secretary of MoHA mentioned that official statement should be very clear, transparent and easy to understand. He further mentioned that the official statement should be understandable by everyone not only by DRRM stakeholders.  Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Chief of NDRRMA highlighted some significant issues to be incorporated in the official statement related to post-earthquake reconstruction work and some success story that can be lesson learnt to other parts of the world. He shared that he will incorporate the feedback from the floor and prepare final draft to be uploaded in the GPDRR official webpage. Lastly, he gave vote of thanks to Mercy Corps for supporting financially, AINTGDMCC to support technically, DPNet to coordinate the entire process and all contributors to refine the official statement and formally closed the program