
Snowfall/Cold Emergency Action Plan 2021 (हिमपात/चिसो आकस्मिक योजना, २०७७)- Mugu


The "Snowfall/Cold Emergency Action Plan 2077 for Mugu" document outlines the vulnerability of Nepal, particularly Mugu District, to various natural and man-made disasters such as snowfalls, landslides, and epidemics. It delves into the district's unique geographical and climatic features, which make it especially susceptible to harsh winter conditions and associated risks. The plan emphasizes the critical need for effective disaster management strategies that address these specific vulnerabilities, highlighting the importance of preparedness, early warning systems, and coordinated responses. In addition to providing an actionable framework for local governmental bodies and agencies, the document stresses the necessity of strengthening infrastructure, such as roads and communication networks, to facilitate timely interventions. It also underscores the role of health services and emergency medical preparedness in mitigating the impacts of cold-related illnesses and epidemics. By fostering collaboration among various stakeholders, including community leaders, the plan aims to build a resilient and well-prepared Mugu District, capable of responding promptly and efficiently to emergency situations.


Legal Document


Action Plan

Published Year: