
Sudurpaschim Provincial Contingency Fund Act 2016 (सुदुरपस्चिम प्रदेश आकस्मिक कोष ऐन- २०७५)


Sudurpaschim Province has enacted an Act to establish and operate a provincial contingency fund, recognizing the need for immediate emergency response in the face of natural and unnatural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, and epidemics. This legislation is in accordance with Clause (1) of Article 212 of the Constitution of Nepal, aiming to provide a legal framework for the management of emergency operations and the allocation of resources during times of crisis. It possesses the provision for the formulation of the provincial emergency fund, the amount to be kept in the fund, and provisions to increase the amount of the fund etc. 


Legal Document


Sudurpaschim Province, Act

Published Year: