
Karnali Province Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Regulations, 2018 (कर्णाली प्रदेश विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन नियमावली-२०७६)


The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law has enacted the Karnali Province Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Regulations, 2076, under the authority granted by Section 47A of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act. These regulations include provisions for the establishment of a provincial disaster management committee, arrangements for committee meetings, and the duties, responsibilities, and rights of the committee. The regulations also outline the duties, roles, and responsibilities of the executive committee, provisions related to the disaster management fund, monitoring, and the power to issue operational guidelines and standards.


Legal Document


Karnali Province, Rules and Regulation

Published Year: