
Koshi Provincial Disaster Resilient Strategic Action Plan 2020-2030 (प्रदेश विपद् उत्थानशील रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना २०७६- २०८७)


The provincial Disaster Resilient Strategic Action Plan provides an overview of the province, including its geographical and socio-economic context. It discusses the prevalent disaster risks, such as earthquakes, flooding, landslides, avalanches, glacial eruptions, and droughts. The report examines existing policy arrangements related to disaster risk reduction and management, encompassing constitutional provisions and legislation like the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2074 and the Local Government Operation Act of 2074. Additionally, it covers national policies and strategic action plans for disaster risk reduction. The Disaster Resilience Strategic Action Plan is introduced detailing its formulation process, guiding principles, long-term goals, and measurable objectives. It also outlines strategic priorities and activities to enhance understanding of disaster risk, strengthen management systems, promote resilience investments, and ensure effective preparedness for response and rehabilitation. Financial arrangements and responsibilities are addressed in the plan including resource allocation, expenditure management, fund mobilization, and program assistance. Thus a strategic action plan focuses on monitoring, evaluation, and review mechanisms to assess plan implementation, monitor progress, and facilitate necessary updates.


Legal Document


Koshi Province


Koshi Province

Published Year: