
Koshi Provincial Disaster Resilience A2019ct, 2076 (प्रदेश विपद् उत्थानशील नीति, २०७६)


The Government of Nepal has formulated the "Province Disaster Upliftment Policy, 2076" to develop a disaster-resilient province by integrating disaster risk reduction into various development sectors. This policy aligns with the international disaster risk reduction frameworks adopted by Nepal. The goal of the policy is to build a resilient province by reducing human mortality rates due to disasters and climatic risks, minimizing the number of affected people, safeguarding livelihoods, development infrastructure, and health, addressing local and global epidemics, preventing disruptions in basic services such as education, and reducing economic losses. The disaster management framework in Nepal prioritizes coordination across all government levels as per constitutional mandates. It aims to bolster the province's resilience against disasters and climate-related risks. This involves integrating multi-disaster risk identification, mitigation, and management into development processes. Collaboration among government, civil society, and stakeholders is crucial for inclusive disaster risk reduction efforts. The framework advocates for leveraging innovative technology and local resources in disaster management. It also calls for increased financial investment through public-private partnerships for resilient development. Additionally, there's an emphasis on preparedness to ensure robust disaster response, recovery, reconstruction, and rehabilitation efforts. 


Legal Document


Koshi Province


Koshi Province

Published Year: