
Bagmati Province Disaster Fund Operation Procedure, 2075 (प्रदेश विपद् कोष सञ्चालन कार्यविधि, २०७५)


The Provincial Disaster Fund Operation Procedure, 2075, of Bagmati Province establishes guidelines for managing and using the provincial disaster fund. It ensures the efficient allocation of resources for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, aiming to improve the province's resilience and response to emergencies. Serving as the cornerstone for fostering development, this procedure facilitates expenditure and fund transfer activities dynamically. Compliant with the provisions outlined in the Provincial Government Development Act of 2075, it underscores the significance of adhering to regulations. The procedure ensures that the highly prioritized developmental initiatives of the province are efficiently supported, minimizing any potential loss or mismanagement of resources. 


Legal Document


Bagmati Province


Bagmati Province

Published Year: