
Weather forecast and observation, monsoon and its potential impact -Mr. Mean Kumar Aryal, Senior Divisional Meteorologist, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), 2024


Mr. Mean Kumar Aryal, Senior Divisional Meteorologist at the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), in his presentation discussed weather forecasting, monsoon patterns, and their impacts. He detailed Nepal's extensive monitoring infrastructure, including synoptic stations, real-time automatic stations, lightning detection networks, and weather RADAR systems. Despite these assets, Mr. Aryal highlighted challenges like a shortage of IT professionals, complex forecast communication, and maintenance issues in remote areas in the presentation. He emphasized the need for government investment, partnerships with development organizations, and enhanced technical expertise to overcome these challenges. Strengthening these areas is crucial for improving Nepal's weather forecasting and mitigating weather-related impacts. 



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