
Province Disaster Management Strategic Action Plan-Koshi Province (प्रदेश विपद व्यवथापन रणनीतिक काययोजना)


The "Province Disaster Management Strategic Action Plan" prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Law, Koshi Province, outlines essential strategies to mitigate the loss and damage caused by natural and man-made disasters. It emphasizes the need for timely policy, legal arrangements, and implementation strategies at all governmental levels to enhance disaster and climate risk reduction and emergency response. The plan aligns with Part 4 Article 51 (G) of the Constitution of Nepal, which mandates early warning, preparation, rescue, relief, and rehabilitation to control water-borne and other disasters. It also refers to Schedules 7, 8, and 9 of the Constitution, delineating disaster management responsibilities across the union, provinces, and local levels. The plan incorporates guidelines from the Disaster Management Act, 2075 (amended in 2076), the Disaster Risk Reduction National Policy, 2075, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2074 (amended in 2075), the Disaster Risk Reduction National Strategic Action Plan (2018-2030), and the Climate Change National Policy, 2076.


Legal Document


Koshi Province

Published Year: