
Province Disaster Management Policy, 2079-Koshi Province (प्रदेश विपद व्यवथापन नीति, २०७९)


The "Province Disaster Management Policy 2079" report, prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Law, Koshi Province, provides a comprehensive framework for disaster management within the province. The policy addresses the various risks faced by the province, including earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, fires, animal attacks, thunderbolts, and pandemics. It also highlights the recurrence of these hazards and the associated losses. The Challenges and Problems section identifies key issues in disaster management. The report emphasizes the importance of policy needs and long-term planning for sustainable disaster resilience. Additionally, the report outlines the necessity of policy, sustainable thinking, guiding principles, and policy implementation.


Legal Document


Koshi Province

Published Year: