
Disaster Risk Reduction Strategic Action Plan 2076-2087 (2020-2030)- Gandaki Province (विपद् जोखिम न्यूनीकरण रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना- गण्डकी प्रदेश)


The Government of Nepal has implemented specific policies to mitigate the impact of disasters and enhance emergency assistance, aligning with constitutional provisions and international frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Nepal, including Gandaki Province, faces high risks of various disasters and climate change impacts, necessitating robust disaster risk reduction strategies. A strategic action plan for 2020-2030 has been developed, building upon existing national policies and frameworks. This plan focuses on 14 strategies and activities to enhance disaster resilience and climate change adaptation efforts, aligning with global priorities and federal government directives. It encompasses the various relevant topics like present legal status, DRR strategic action plan, Major DRR guideline, Integrated DRR Action Plan, Financial arrangements for implementing the strategic plan etc.


Legal Document


Gandaki Province

Published Year: