Mr. Niroj Sapkota, a Technical Specialist in Crisis Anticipation and Risk Financing at Start Fund NEPAL, delivered a presentation on "Purwaanmaan Chautari: Anticipating Heat Waves." He began by introducing the Start Network, established in 2014 to rapidly assist underfunded crises, humanitarian spikes, and imminent disasters. Its success spurred the creation of similar global funds. Start Funds, characterized by decentralized and collaborative ownership, boast quick response times. Mr. Sapkota highlighted notable achievements such as enlisting ten new Local National and Non-Governmental Organizations (LNNGOs), activating funds within 56 hours, and directly supporting local organizations. Collaborations with groups like FOREWARN enhance technical capabilities and promote proactive disaster policies. FOREWARN's objectives include fostering cooperation, devising anticipatory action plans, showcasing innovations, funding hazard anticipation tools, and facilitating discussions. Mr. Sapkota provided insights into preventive measures for heat waves, such as mapping at-risk populations, raising awareness, and establishing cooling centers. Following a heat wave, essential steps include tracking responses, gathering feedback, conducting learning exchanges, generating evidence, and peer-reviewing forecasting systems.
Mr. Niroj Sapkota