
Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan Karnali Province, 2023 (मनसुन पुर्वतयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य योजना कर्णाली प्रदेश २०८०)


This legal document published by the Province level government, Karnali Province is a guiding document on the action plan regarding the monsoon preparedness and response after monsoon disasters if need be. It incorporates information on the ways to prepare for monsoon disasters, and hazards, and also the best possible ways to respond after any mishaps occur during the monsoon season. It further talks about drinking water safety, immediate reconstruction and recovery, and search and rescue of the victims. It also incorporates the importance of mainstreaming GEDSI inclusion during Disaster response and preparedness.


Legal Document


Province Level


Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Karnali Province

Published Year: