
Biratnagar Metropolitan Brief Environmental Study and Initial Environmental Testing Procedure, 2020


This document "विराटनगर महानगरपालिका संक्षिप्त वातावरणीय अध्ययन तथा प्रारम्भिक वातावरणीय परीक्षण कार्यविधि, २०७७" is a comprehensive procedure for study and preliminary environmental impact assessment on the subject of the utilization of the landfill area of Biratnagar Metropolitan City, along with the formulation of plans, policies, programs, and projects related to waste management. The study includes environmental assessment, report preparation, analysis, consultation, presentation, and public awareness creation. This initiative aims to establish sustainable and effective waste management practices. The Municipal Council, in accordance with the Local Government Operation Act and the Environmental Protection Act of 2075, has implemented the project using the landfill in an environmentally friendly manner.


Legal Document


Procedure, Local Level


Biratnagar Metropolitan

Published Year: