
Role, Opportunities and Gaps of Provincial Government on DRR and Humanitarian Initiatives

  Jan 18, 2024

On December 17, 2023, DPNet Nepal supported by Mercy Corps Nepal, organized an online discussion on “Development Partners' Possible Contribution to Provincial DRR Initiatives” to discuss the probable areas of contribution and partnership of the development agencies in the provincial DRR initiatives.

The discussion session was chaired by Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet which was attended by Mr. Kedar Neupane, Former Secretary of Government of Nepal and Advisor of DPNet Nepal, Dr. Raju Thapa, Vice-Chair, DPNet, and all Provincial Government's Secretaries from Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law (MoIAL), Ministry of Home, Communication and Law (MoHCL) and Ministry of Home Affairs. The discussion focused on the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2017 which outlined the extensive responsibilities of the Provincial Government in various domains and brought to light the possibilities of developmental partners’ collaboration.

It also highlighted the need for a coordinated approach at provincial levels integrating efforts with federal strategies and emphasized the potential for Development Partners (DPs) to assist in areas such as humanitarian support, capacity building, SWOT analysis, and addressing seismic vulnerabilities, particularly in Eastern and Western Nepal.

The session revealed a consensus on the necessity for enhanced collaboration in DRR initiatives. Provincial representatives, including Mr. Sushil Baidya of Sudurpaschim Province and Mr. Krishna Bahadur Rokaya of Karnali Province, shared insights into their ongoing efforts and challenges, stressing the importance of authentic data management, resource mobilization, and the establishment of effective early warning systems.

They emphasized the need for DPs to support provincial efforts in areas like disaster preparedness, humanitarian response improvement, and resource gap analysis. The discussion also brought to light the importance of indigenous knowledge and practices in disaster management, the need for establishing a centralized entity for coordination, and the vital role of DPs in areas like funding for disaster risk insurance and disaster data management.

The meeting also highlighted the importance of multi-sectoral participation and the establishment of Provincial Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction (PPDRR) following the UNDRR guidelines. Participants agreed on a comprehensive approach, involving all tiers of government and development partners, to enhance DRR capabilities at the provincial level. The discussion set the stage for a more integrated and collaborative approach to disaster risk management in Nepal, with development partners playing a crucial role in bridging gaps and building resilience at the provincial level.