
Orientation of the DPNet Provincial Committee and the celebration of World Humanitarian Day

  Aug 18, 2024

On August 7th, 2024, DPNet Nepal organized a virtual program for the orientation of the DPNet Provincial Committee and the celebration of World Humanitarian Day. The meeting was attended by DPNet Nepal Province Coordinators along with Board members and representatives from member organizations. The program was facilitated by Mr. Suraj Gautam, General Secretary of DPNet. Mr. Gautam welcomed all the member organizations of DPNet Nepal and highlighted DPNet's role as the secretariat to the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR). He also emphasized that the program's objectives were to discuss the recently drafted DPNet Province Committee Regulation, 2081, and plans to observe World Humanitarian Day.

Dr. Raju Thapa, Chairperson, DPNet presented the recently drafted DPNet Province Committee Regulation, 2081. He illustrates that the DPNet established the Regulation to operationalize the functions, structure, and governance of its provincial committees, fostering resilience across provinces. The regulation outlines the committee's composition, election process, roles, and responsibilities, emphasizing inclusivity and effective disaster risk reduction (DRR) initiatives. It mandates regular and virtual meetings, decision-making processes, and financial management, including budget preparation and annual audits. The regulation ensures clear communication protocols and the establishment of a provincial secretariat for administrative tasks. Amendments and reviews are scheduled to maintain relevance, with existing committees continuing under this regulation until the next General Assembly elections. Input from the Provincial Committee Coordinators and board members was collected and incorporated accordingly into this draft.

Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Immediate Past President of DPNet, highlighted the upcoming World Humanitarian Day celebration, scheduled for August 19. In previous years, DPNet has led this observance, and this year it will be organized in Karnali province, where KIRDARC and other organizations play coordinating role. Mr. Thapa requested all DPNet Nepal Province Coordinators to collaborate with government and humanitarian organizations, such as NRCS, to organize events for World Humanitarian Day in their respective provinces. He also suggested that the format of the program could include interactive sessions and meetings to honor humanitarian worker, experience and challenges sharing events. Mr. Thapa mentioned that (International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction) IDDRR Day, which falls on October 13, coincides with Dashain, so the celebration is planned to take place after returning from the APMCDRR event. He also emphasized the need of the formation of Provincial Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction (PPDRR) in each province. In Sudur Paschim Province, the PPDRR was already established with DPNet's facilitation, under the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law where the program was attended by the Chief Minister.

Various participants from all provinces provided feedback on the draft regulation and made common consensus on draft. Dr. Thapa, thanked all for their active participation and shared that all the valid feedback will be incorporated in the final regulation and circulated among DPNet members.