
National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR), Subjective Committee (Disaster Affected Committee) Discussion Program

  Jul 19, 2021

The Subjective Committee discussion program of Disaster Affected Committee Group under the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) was organized by DPNet-Nepal under USAID/Tayar Nepal Capacity Enhancement for DRR&M project on 18th July, 2021. The program was chaired by Mr. Beda Nidhi Khanal, Under Secretary of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA). Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal delivered the opening remarks and highlighted the objective of program.  He briefly shared about the NPDRR and the importance of disaster affected community has very important part in DRR&M and their group is included as one of the Subjective Committee the platform. He further stated that disaster affected community can contribute and provide information on how can we reduce the disaster risk and reduce the loss and damage. Altogether 22 participants joined the webinar.

Major Highlights
•    Dr. Raju Thapa, General Secretary of DPNet-Nepal presented on NPDRR Guideline and its implementation. He shared the history of NPDRR in Nepal. Initially the platform was chaired by the Secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs and now it's chaired by the Chief executive of NDRRMA. He also highlighted the list of Subjective Committees that are NGOs, INGOs, Disaster Affected Committee, Government, Semi-Government, UN/Donor Agencies, Private Sector, Academia/Research Based Organization and Information Technology and Media under the NPDRR Guideline and the provision regarding the formation of Province and Local Level platform for DRR. He also shared the glimpses of past NPDRR events. Furthermore, he stated that considering the federalism in Nepal, DPNet-Nepal as a Secretariat has planned to localize NPDRR. Disaster affected community has important role in DRR&M.  
•    Mr. Beda Nidhi Khanal, Under Secretary of NDRRMA highlighted the importance of Subjective Committee formation in the DRR. He said that we have been practicing the concept of NPDRR in Nepal since 2069 and it has given good result. He further added that it's the platform to make common understanding on DRR&M and to prioritize the activity. We have been considering the inclusive approach on DRR&M, we need to take these initiative in Local Level and work together to achieve the overarching aspiration of "Happy Nepali Prosperous Nepal". In Nepal, more than 10 lakhs population is exposed to natural disasters, among which flood and landslides are the major one. This year it is projected that about 18 lakh people will be affected due to landslide and flood. By this time, we have already received the satellite data of 8 lakh people were affected. He emphasized on listening the voice of disaster affected community and include it in National plan and policy. When disasters strike, people in affected communities are the first responders. So, community-based flood management must be part of Local and National DRR strategies. He added that Local governments have to take lead and make immediate action to identify risks drawing on their local knowledge.
•    Ms. Luna Khadka, Program Coordinator shared the objectives of USAID/Tayar’s Capacity Enhancement for DRR&M project in relation to NPDRR. She said that one of the main objective of the project is to strengthen NPDRR. Since long time the network had planned to localize the NPDRR, but after the approval of the NPDRR guideline, there is an urgent need to localize the Platform. She shared that for now, the Platform will be formed in Karnali and Sudur Paschim Province. Similarly, Local Level Platform will be formed in 3 Local Level, one Local Level of Kailai, Dang and Bardiya. The learnings will be documented and the Platform will be extended in remaining Province an all Local Levels.  
•    Mr. Bishnu Prasad Timilsina, Consultant shared the draft frame of the Subjective Committee Guideline for Disaster Affected Committee group within the provisions of NPDRR Guideline. He shared the objectives, major provision regarding the members in the committee, periodic meetings power, roles and responsibility of the Subjective Committee. He also said that the draft will be shared with Disaster Affected Community group for their feedback and finalization.
•    The Subjective Committee of Disaster Affected Committee was formed and the team members were nominated by the participants. Mr. Jagarnath Kurmi, NCDMC was nominated as a Coordinator, whereas, Ms. Bishnu Maya Pandey was nominated as Co-coordinator, Similarly, Mr. Shyam Bahadur Kattel, Mr. Bechan Khadga, Mr. Ramesh Prasad Kurmi and representative from Kamaiya Mahila Jagaran Samaj were nominated as member. The formed ad-hoc committee will discuss and held the further meeting with wider network to include all concerned stakeholders in the Subjective Committee.


Major Discussions
•    The discussion was about local knowledge and perspectives into preparatory actions which can help to create solutions that are cost-effective, sustainable, and generally well accepted by community members. 
•    Preparedness can reduce the impact of disasters and sometimes avoid the danger completely.
•    By enforcing the rule of law when disaster strikes, Government provides a stable foundation of expectations upon which individuals can make choices among the alternatives.


Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa in his closing remarks, congratulated the Subjective Committee members and thank everyone for their active participation and successful execution of the program.