
Monthly Dialogue: Learning Sharing on Localization

  Dec 13, 2018

Learning Sharing event on localization


One of the major themes of DPNet-Nepal is Knowledge Management. As a part of knowledge management DPNet-Nepal organizes monthly learning sharing workshops, policy dialogue publication of IEC materials and translation of national and international documents on DRR in its annual plan. Learning sharing event on monthly basis are planned to sensitize DRR stakeholders on contextual issues of DRR. Learning sharing event on localization is important to sensitize stakeholders on the changing context and federal structure of the country.

Half day learning sharing event was organized with the financial and technical support of DCA to share the concept and process of localization on 9th December 2018. Two presentations were shared in the program followed by interactive discussion. Altogether 30 participants disaggregated as female-8, Janajati-14 participated in the program. The event was helpful to share the concept and ideas of localization.

Major Highlights

  • The program was started formally with the objective sharing and welcomes remarks of Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal. Mr. Thapa shared the objectives and welcomed all participants for their valuable presence.
  • Mr. Shyam Sundar Jnavaly, Executive Director of NDRC shared his presentation entitled "Global Agenda for Local Actions Ensuring Resilient Development and DRR Practices". He shared that the Global Agenda, Sendai Framework for DRR, 2015, Sustainable Development Goal, 2015, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, 2015, New Urban Agenda, 2016, Agenda for Humanity, 2016 should be taken in an integrated way for the Socio-economic and Environmental Development of the Society and Nation. He briefly shared the global agendas, challenges, and way to translate at the local level, localizing DRR and development, scope and room for local actions. Furthermore, he shared that there should be a DRR concerned Development, i.e mainstreaming DRR into Development.
  •  Ms. Krishna Karkee, Regional Program Officer shared her presentation entitled "Presentation on Charter4Change and Real Partnership in Nepal". She briefly shared about the eight-point agenda of Charter for change. Her presentation was focused on shifting the power to a local organization. She also shared that we need to think, whether we are able to work fully with local humanitarian organizations during an emergency or not. Furthermore, she added that the joint proposal can be developed by NGO and INGO's.
  • After the presentation, the floor was open for discussion. The major concerns of the participants are as below:
    • Resistance to change is a challenging task and it's difficult to change the culture of INGO and donor. Pool funding mechanism or proposal call only for NGO would be appropriate to promote localization.
    • We need to focus on preparedness within ourselves for developing local leadership and local humanitarian resource which could be effective to reduce the loss.
    • INGO cannot blame NGO work mentioning that they don't have the capacity on proposal writing unless they provide any form of exposure and capacity building activities.
    • Attitude, passion and accountability are important.
    • We can utilize the capacity of a local network of DPNet-Nepal for capacity building of local organization and mainstream DRR within local government plan.
    • Political will is a major problem; there is a need to sensitize political persons on DRR.


The program was closed with the vote of thanks and closing remarks of Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa, Chairperson of DPNet-Nepal. He shared that there should be an environment so that NGO can bid a proposal. NGO should directly bid from the donor and work on the local level. He thanked all participants for the active participation.