Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR)- 2022 Preparatory Meeting
Jul 01, 2022
Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR)- 2022 preparatory meeting was organized by DPNet on 20th June, 2022 via Zoom. The program was facilitated by Dr. Raju Thapa, Acting Chair of DPNet whereas the Special Guests of the program were Mr. Anil Pokhrel, Executive Chief of NDRRMA and Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala, Chief of Disaster and Conflict Management Division. Altogether, 39 participants joined the webinar.
Major Highlights:
Dr. Raju Thapa, Acting Chair, DPNet – Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) 2022
The first regional platform since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic APMCDRR- 2022 is going to be organized in Queensland, Australia from 19th to 22nd September, 2022. The theme of APMCDRR-2022 is ‘From crisis to resilience: Transforming the Asia-Pacific region’s future through disaster risk reduction’. This conference expects 3000 delegates from more than 40 countries. The core pillars for this conference are investing in resilience and preparedness, shock-proofed infrastructure and systems and resilient communities and cross cutting themes are localization, inclusion and science, technology and knowledge. Various sessions such as working sessions, ignite sessions, learning labs and market places will be organized virtually and in person.
The major objectives of Nepal in APMCDRR is to showcase and share our good practice and lessons learned, to share national position papers on DRR related achievements, challenges and way forward and dissemination of messages through IEC and visibility materials in the conference’s market place. It will be effective if we create a basket fund, create a preparatory committee, collect and prepare materials to showcase in the marketplace, work on position paper, official statements and prepare a short video. Individual registration deadline is for 31st August and there is media registration, domestic registration and international registration for the conference.
Open Discussion
- The position paper, content of side events and efforts of DRR organizations should be discussed in in-person preparatory meetings.
- It will be effective if there is collaborative action of the organizations for APMCDRR.
- We should start taking initiation for position papers from the very beginning.
- It was discussed about the position paper, whether it will be single or separate.
- It was discussed about the provisions to present a paper, market place and do registration in conference.
- The topics of the presentations and content of APMCDRR should be clear from the very beginning.
- The preparatory work and position paper should be on a resilient and indigenous perspective.
- The voice of women network’s learning and sharing should be shared in APMCDRR and DPNet should coordinate for this.
- Basket funds should be activated and mobilized well.
- We should focus on making our participation inclusive and meaningful.
- This type of meeting should be disable friendly.
- The position paper should include about mental health as well.
- The objective and concept of Basket fund should be clear. We should make a task force committee to work for APMCDRR.
Dr. Raju Thapa
There will be only 40 Marketplaces in APMCDRR this year so if Nepal gets the opportunity then we should utilize this in a meaningful way or Nepal can book a private hall as well to showcase our DRRM effort. Position paper and official statement has already been prepared in global content for GPDRR, now it would be easier to revise for APMCDRR. The physical preparatory and other expenses could be used from the Basket fund, so we should take initiation to create an account for this. The task force committee should be formed to work on APMCDRR same as GPDRR.
Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala
The lesson from GPDRR is a formation of strong coordination. We will make a single Nepal position paper in a collaborative approach. The position paper will be finalized in a physical meeting and DPNet should coordinate and make a funding mechanism for this. If we are aware of events in APMCDRR from Nepal, then it would be very effective and easier to support.
Mr. Anil Pokhrel
DPNet has a long history of coordination in global and regional events like GPDRR, APMCDRR events, so it’s very helpful for everyone. NGO/INGOs should also share their resources in APMCDRR. The NPDRR account should be mobilized because NDRRMA has provisions for annual budget allocations. Different development partners, UNDRR may support fundraising in this account, so that we can celebrate various national days and events as well. Further actions will be taken to improvise the national position paper in an inclusive way.
Major decisions;
- As a Member Secretary of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) chaired by Executive Chief of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority Dr. Raju Thapa from DPNet will coordinate for the Nepal's delegation for the meaningful participation in APMCDRR event. DPNet will bring all government and non-government stakeholders to prepare a widely accepted position paper and official statement.
- DPNet Nepal as Secretariat of NPDRR will open a separate bank account as per the provision of NPDRR Guideline, 2020 and initiate basket fund.
- The collected basket fund will be utilized in a common consensus of the Chief Executive of NDRRMA, Chief of Conflict and Disaster Management Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, DPNet and AINTGDMCC.