
कञ्चनपुर जिल्ला विपद् पूर्वतयारी तथा प्रतिकार्य योजना, (DPRP) २०७८ (District Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan, 2021)


Kanchanpur district's Monsoon Preparedness and Response Plan for the Nepali year 2078 is centered on reducing the effects of landslides and seasonal floods. It highlights the vital necessity of coordination between government, the NGOs and INGOs and the District Administrative Office in order to effectively provide aid and other kinds of support to impacted communities. The plan gives priority to preventive measures like community education campaigns, early warning systems, and infrastructure upgrades in order to reduce flood risks and counteract soil erosion. By strengthening disaster management capabilities among administrative levels, the plan seeks to improve resilience within the community itself. 


Legal Document


Action Plan

Published Year: