
Plan of Action for Risk Reduction and Response on Measures for Protection from Heat Wave 2024 (लू बाट बच्ने उपाय सम्बन्धि जोखिम न्यूनीकरण तथा प्रतिकारी कार्ययोजना) in Nepali


This report presents an action plan to mitigate and respond to the effects of hot air leading to heat waves. It includes a detailed table outlining activities to be carried out, along with responsible authorities and supporting entities. These activities range from channeling heatwave forecasts from the DHM to conducting district-level disaster dialogues for situational analysis. Preventive measures in local languages, ensuring continuous electricity supply, and identifying target groups for water and fan distribution are among the key actions outlined. The report emphasizes the importance of coordinated efforts among stakeholders to minimize the impact of heat waves on communities.


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